Northern Green Tree Frog

Species Background
Licence - Category 2
Lifespan - 20 years
A vertical enclosure measuring 60cms long, 60cms wide and 90cms high is suitable for three to four individuals. Alternatively a longer and shorter enclosure can be used for a semi-aquatic setup.
Lighting and heating
Being a subtropical species, warm humid conditions are suitable. Heating can be supplied in a number of ways depending on vivarium design i.e. a heat mat, cord and/or globe. A thermal gradient ranging from 20-25°C in the cool end and 30°C in the warm end is recommended. This species requires UV lighting; UV globes and/or tubes should be used in a way that allows frogs to access appropriative amounts of UV-B.
Branches should be positioned within a vivarium so that frogs can access the heat source and UV lighting. A water bowl should be placed in the warm and cool end of the vivarium and be large enough for frogs to fully submerge themselves.
Food (In captivity)
Northern Green Tree Frogs are primarily insectivores, feeding on wood roaches, crickets and mealworms (sparingly) in captivity. Adults can occasionally be offered small mice (dead). Insects should be dusted with calcium and vitamin supplements to maintain condition and prevent health issues such as metabolic bone disease.
- Vivarium
- UV lighting
- Heat source
- Thermometer
- Thermostat
- Substrate or artificial grass/carpet
- Branches
- Water bowls
- Spray bottle
- Calcium and vitamin supplements
Please note the information provided above is a species background, NOT A CARE SHEET. We recommend adequate background reading and research to be undertaken prior to purchasing this species. See recommended books below.
Recommended Books
A Guide to Australian Frogs in Captivity. 2012 by Dr Scott Eipper
Keeping Frogs. 2005 by Mark Davidson.
For further information please visit one of our stores to speak with a representative in the reptile and amphibian department.